Projection & Art Direction by David Sullivan. Music First Light Inspired by Pamela Davis-Noland’s CHEMIN DU BAYOU script And Artist Langston Allston’s murals found on the interior of Southern Rep Theatre These murals tell the story of Andre Cailloux and Father Maistre, trailblazers in the ongoing fight for justice and equality in New Orleans. Cailloux fought valiantly to lift the people of New Orleans out of slavery through his role as an officer in the union army. Father Maistre was the only catholic priest in Louisiana to vocally advocate for emancipation during the Civil War. Maistre organized Cailloux’s funeral, and venerated his sacrifice on the battlefield. It was the largest gathering of African Americans, free and enslaved, in the city up to that point in history. The massive funeral procession extended more than a mile through the city. The funeral proved to be a revolutionary demonstration of the cities’ conviction to end slavery, and to recognize and respect New Orleans’ black residents.