Under Pressure

under pressure, 2012, 6:30 mins

animation by david sullivan

audio by alec vance – https://www.chefmenteur.org/

Many things that humans put value on, like oil and diamonds, are created over long periods of time and under great pressure, but are consumed relatively quickly and without thought. Here the impulses to consume twitch under the pressure of brightly colored sirens. Generative processes, guided and assisted, were used to create the audio  in response to the animation.

List of Screenings:

August 4th – September 24th, 2012, Louisiana Contemporary, Ogden Museum, New Orleans, LA, Juror: Rene Paul Barilleaux

May 25th – September 6th, 2012, Duets, Dibol Gallery, Loyola University, New Orleans, LA

Digital Graffiti, Fl